Understanding and Managing Sacroiliac Joint (SIJ) Instability
Loose and Lax and a sore back and bum
Sacroiliac Joint Dysfunction
What is that sharp pain at the lower part of my back? Why can’t I move!?
Breathing to the pelvic floor
Learn more about the diaphragm and pelvic floor and how breathing patterns affect the function of the duo
Embracing the Diaphragm
Why is this dome like structure so interesting and important for your wellbeing?
The diaphragm and low back pain
Could the way you use your main breathing muscle be contributing to your low back pain?
Mouth Breathing consequences
Learn about why the mouth is for eating and speaking and NOT breathing!
Benefits of Nasal Breathing
The wondrous world of the nose. There’s more to it than you think!
Jaw pain and TMD
The function of your jaw could be contributing to your neck pain, headaches and more. Find out how to address your jaw pain and TMD here.
Dysfunctional Breathing
What is dysfunctional breathing and what are the steps to address it?
Tongue tie in Adults
Learn all about the process of diagnosis, the structure of the tongue and the osteopathic guided frenectomy
How to build a lasting Practice
We know what will help us, so why don’t we do it? Learn the science behind how to build a lasting practice that will give you those long term benefits that you dream of
Breathing is a brain exercise
Slow breathing helps regulate brain function by:
synchronising brain rhythms and
improving cerebral spinal fluid flow, with slow deep exhalations we amplify respiratory arterial pulsations.